This game is really good. Even though you know its a rip off of Pokemon. It has everything I would want in a IOS game like this. Except the bulu points require actual points. Maybe you can make it so we can get bulu capture balls with a different for of currency like Bulu chache. And it also has he grinding that you might need in some Pokemon games. Its really good just improve get way you can get potions and bulu capture balls. First five minutes I really loved this it wasnt bad. It just need a map that allows you to move around but I guess thats what keeps copyright away. Im Good without it. It would also be cooler if the chest had a cool down for the bulu chache so you can get random items like bulu balls or potions. Like 5-10 minutes for the cool down. But overall its a really good game it just needs some tweeks to how you get potions and bulu balls.
+ Shade 20 + about Bulu Monster